VE BTS Fecondazione - Gravidanza 1

Sperm production. this is a tube that creates sperm.  Spanish: Una sección del testículo permite observar las colas (flagelos) de espermatozoides en formación (en azul y rosa) en los túbulos seminíferos, que es donde se fabrican. El ritmo de producción es extraordinario: en torno a 1.000 por segundo. Los gametos masculinos se desarrollan a partir de las células que se encuentran en la pared de estos túbulos, que también contienen células que alimentarán a estos pequeños espermatozoides.:
Produzione di spermatozoi

Sperm in the fallopian tube:
Spermatozoo nella tuba
Human egg emerging from the ovary:  deiescenza ovulo
Mature oocyte, ready for fertilization; surrounding the oocyte are follicle cells. An essential prelude to the journey of life is the egg's ripening in the mother’s ovary, culminating with its release at ovulation. Understanding the details of this process is crucial both for developing future fertility treatments and for designing better contraceptives. A major molecular mystery concerning this early step – one that had baffled scientists for more than seven decades – has recently been solved:
Ovulo maturo pronto per la fertilizzazione

Fimbriae of a Fallopian tube:
Fimbria della tuba di Falloppio

Ovulation.  The egg (pink at centre) has ruptured the external surface of the ovary (brown), known as the germinal epithelium, and has started its journey through the Fallopian tube towards the uterus.:
Ovulo nella tuba

Sperm competing to fertilize an egg Who will win the amazing race?:
Competizione per la fecondazione
Sperm & Egg:
A human embryo in the 8 cell stage.:
Embrione allo stadio di 8 cellule
3 day old human embryo on the tip of a pin. Too cool!:
embrione al terzo giorno
Human embryo at day four | Image Editor   Scanning electron micrograph of a human embryo at day 4. The protein coat surrounding the egg (zona pellucida, gold) has been slit to expose the embryonic cells inside (red). These cells go on to form the embryo and can be harvested and cultured to give rise to embryonic stem (ES) cells. Microvilli are visible on the surface of the embryonic cells (blastomeres) and numerous sperm (blue) are still visible on the outside of the zona pellucida.:
Embrione al quarto giorno
A human embryo implanting, six days after fertilization.:
Embrione al sesto giorno
