Anatomia - Orecchio

Ecco alcuni dettagli a completamento di quanto discusso in 5E BTS
Inner ear organ of Corti
Organo del Corti SEM x1200
Inner ear hair cells, SEM
Cellule ciliate della coclea SEM
Fractal spiral - Cochlea from Inner Ear. Color-enhanced scanning electron micrograph of the inside of a guinea pig inner ear showing the hearing organ, or cochlea. Running along the spiral structure are rows of sensory cells which respond to different frequencies of sound. The whole organ is just a few millimeters long.:
coclea Totalmente membranosa membranosa Lamina spirale  ossea Membrana tettoria Organo del Corti scala vestibuli scala tim...

                           Vestibular hair cells
Colour-enhanced image of hair cells from the vestibular organ in the inner ear. Movement of fluid over these cells allows the position of the head to be sensed and the organism to make any necessary movements to remain balanced.
Cellule ciliate del vestibolo

Tympanic membrane (ear drum) Science Photo Library:
