Thank you Dr Salk!

'Thank you Dr Salk', è la scritta che appare sul cartello sorretto da due bambini sorridenti. Vicino a loro c'è un uomo, in camice bianco. Tutti i protagonisti del doodle sono felici, sorridono e ballano. Stanno festeggiando l'inventore del primo vaccino contro la poliomelite, il dottor Jonas Salk, grande scienziato e medico statunitense che oggi avrebbe compiuto 100 anni. Leggi l'articolo sui vaccini obbligatori.

Jonas Salk was an American physician and medical researcher who developed the first safe and effective vaccine for polio.
In 1942 at the University of Michigan School of Public Health he became part of a group that was working to develop a vaccine against the flu. In 1947 he became head of the Virus Research Lab at the University of Pittsburgh. At Pittsburgh he began research on polio. On April 12, 1955, the vaccine was released for use in the United States. He established the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in 1963.
